SW036 At Home 4 (A New Hope, err, home)

Please contact Nick and complain about the missing show notes.

Duration: 1:03:40

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech

Klosterbrauerei Andechs

SW035 An empty apartment in La Condesa

It's July 2020. Nico and Florian revisit the Tom Hanks situation in the rich parts of Mexico City. Afterwards they look ahead to Nico's imminent move to Germany.

Duration: 0:30:38

Florian Posdziech

SW034 Fly Ranch

Please contact Nick and complain about the missing show notes.

Duration: 0:42:46

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech

SW033 At Home 3 (Cast Away Edition)

Duration: 0:44:16

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


The Multiverse, except in Quarantine with Beer and Coffee


Burning Man multiverse…got to have a code…Tom Hanks has COVIDRay Natural Gas Compressor Station AccidentSimple conversion C to F (Multiply or Divide by 2, Add or Subtract 30)Fediverse Definedchaos.socialThe Long Disaster (Burning Man Medium)Very simple equations can have complex behaviorsComplexity of things that happen is not random

If you want to take part in the superfans episode (likely June 2020): e-mail sw2l@nickfarr.org with your time zone.

SW032 An apartment in La Condesa

Usually Nick writes something very witty here. Today not so much. Because Nick wasn't involved in the creation of this episode.

Florian talks to his friend Nico who lives in the neighborhood of La Condesa in the heart of Mexico City. They talk about the current situation in relation to the Corona pandemic in Mexico and how it evolved over the last months.

Duration: 0:58:59

Florian Posdziech


Two professional podcasting studios.


Colegio Alemán Alexander von HumboldtLa CondesaHugo López-Gatell Ramírez – Mexican Undersecretary of HealthAndrés Manuel López Obrador – President of Mexico – Fat Freddy’s Drop: Black Bird, RoadySecretariat of Public Education in Mexico (SEP)Mexico City MetroPesero, combi, taxi collectivoNotabilityPadlet

SW031 At Home 2

Florian finally lets Nick talk all about his new favorite subject: Burning Man.

What was biweekly is now released two episodes at a time.

Duration: 0:54:23

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


Beer and Mic Stands in Quarantine, very far away from the Black Rock Desert


The 9 O’Clock Post Office at Burning ManBurners Without BordersTheme camps at Burning ManFly RanchThe Episode of Life is a Festival that Nick is OnDie DatenschleuderNecklace Factory AwardThe Head MazeThe ARTery

SW030 At Home (Not Alone)

What podcast from two guys would be complete without talking about their other favorite podcasts? Or working from home? Or Burning Man? We cover all the cliche topics in this episode on top of weirder things like company-internal podcasts, binge writing show notes and two BIG pieces of news from our host.

Many failed attempts at podcast professional segues.

Duration: 0:53:08

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


Magical Zoom Background Land. (Except we weren’t using Zoom)


El Dollop@zeitschlagAllein Zu HausLife is a FestivalFireside with Lei Episode 15Accuracy Third –  (Link where we wanted to post pictures of our workspace but realized that would not be possible)

SW029 Roma Norte, Mexico City

Nick returns to his apartment in Mexico City and absolutely fails to eat any actual Mexican food. Florian absolutely fails to find any good beer in Germany. Plans about the future of the podcast are hatched in the draft.

Duration: 0:40:08

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


Mexico City


Quentin CafeCalle Amsterdam, possibly the best circular street in the worldHipdromo CondesaBarrios MágicosAccuracy Third: An Oral History of Black RockNick was reading from this wikipedia articleMexican New Year’s TraditionsRoot Down DenverHot Mamma’s Hot Chicken: BEST CHICKEN AND WAFFLESRotoplas Water TanksChaos Post Office

SW028 Valldemossa

A return to Spanish speaking countries and low quality audio! Florian (literally!) phones in from Mallorca to while Nick (metaphorically) phones it in while folding laundry. Talk of travels missed and travels made, including Nick's grand return to Mexico on his brand new Chilean passport by way of a Denver rehab facility. Finally: SEND US YOUR DRAFT IDEAS!

Unprepared, and drunk.

Duration: 0:34:53

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


A Spanish AirBNB / A Childhood Room with a Wall of Ties


Indiana Dunes State ParkC3 Sticker Operations CenterCyberoptix Tie LabJust a classic Rick and Morty Adventure just like old times – Xochimilco Episode One and TwoRatchetShiny Happy PeopleThe Pretty Rural Town in MallorcaPueblos MagicosPalma de MallorcaSouthwest ChiefAmtrak Ends Fresh Food DiningThe 20th GPN

SW027 Kristin's Place

Even though we recorded this on the same day as the previously released one, we're releasing it several months later. Somehow, Nick knew this so there's a handy recap of the prior episode going into this one. We meet Nick's girlfriend from the nature center and hear a bit about his new life right after reminiscing about his old life...and the old version of this podcast.

Nick's new life with two dogs, two cats and (at his) girlfriend('s house).

Duration: 1:11:17

Nick Farr
Florian Posdziech


The Dogwood Bungalow


Demand Responsive TransportMaster NaturalistsUpcoming experiences in natureIt turns out the Squaire is the largest office building in GermanyLife is a Festival PodcastThe Fly Ranch Episode of Life is a FestivalNick actually didn’t technically attend the 23c3, he spoke at itRhein Radeln2019 Burners Without Borders Spring SummitStadionwurstGreat Lakes Traditional Arts Gathering (On Hiatus, apparently)Fat Freddy’s DropAlpha BlondyThe Necklace Factory AwardForestryUniversity of Freiburg Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

(It turns out Kristin did not actually help with these show notes, Nick ended up doing them at 3 AM after working on other people’s taxes for 20 hours.)